1,500 m²
of mollusc rearing and experimentation
experimental beds on the foreshore
50 m³/h
of seawater flow for mollusc rearing
A few applications
The experimental platform produces and conserves batches of bivalves with specific genetic profiles, such as a particular sensitivity to an infectious disease, for research purposes. In the basins, certain water quality parameters, such as temperature, can be adjusted for mollusc farming and for the microalgaecultivated as feed.The platform also helps to test and develop innovative equipment and mollusc farming methods. Semi-closed or closed farms are tested, for example, which consume lesswater and electricity to reduce their impact on the environment.
The experimental platform has an area dedicated to the reproduction of diseases affecting marine molluscs under laboratory conditions.This area explores the infectivity of different pathogens, studies disease development and the defence mechanisms deployed. This “confined” zone has “L2 laboratory” status, with strict sanitary rules and controlled access. The waste and effluent leaving this area is recovered and processed by specialist companies.
The platform is also a valuable tool for exploring the genetic diversity of different bivalve species, identifying the genetic characteristics of interest in terms of aquaculture and understanding the biology of shellfish, such as the fundamentals of hermaphroditism in the cupped oyster through sex determination.